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SPEED DUEL GX: DUELISTS OF SHADOWS (SGX3)201 cards | 0 new | 201 reprintsRelease 2023-03-31
Absorbing Jar
Aegis of Gaia
Allure of Darkness
Amazoness Archers
Amazoness Chain Master
Amazoness Fighter
Amazoness Fighting Spirit
Amazoness Heirloom
Amazoness Paladin
Amazoness Queen
Amazoness Sage
Amazoness Scouts
Amazoness Spellcaster
Amazoness Swords Woman
Amazoness Tiger
Amazoness Trainee
Amazoness Village
Amazoness Willpower
Annihilator Archfiend
Aqua Chorus
Aqua Spirit
Archfiend General
Archfiend Soldier
Archfiend's Roar
Armed Dragon LV10
Awakening of the Sacred Beasts
Axe of Despair
Backup Squad
Banisher of the Radiance
Bark of Dark Ruler
Battle Survivor
Bazoo the Soul-Eater
Black Dragon's Chick
Black Metal Dragon
Book of Life
Book of Moon
Brron, Mad King of Dark World
Call of the Mummy
Cerulean Skyfire
Chaos Trap Hole
Chaosrider Gustaph
Cloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - Altus
Cloudian - Cirrostratus
Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon
Cloudian - Ghost Fog
Cloudian - Nimbusman
Cloudian - Sheep Cloud
Cloudian - Smoke Ball
Cloudian - Storm Dragon
Cloudian - Turbulence
Cloudian Aerosol
Cloudian Squall
Cosmic Cyclone
Counter Cleaner
Curse of Aging
Cyber Dragon
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